【同义词辨析】 2019-10-22 方面phase-side

phase: implies a change in appearance often without clear reference to an observer: the second ~ of the investigation.   phase-one trade agreement between China and US中美第一阶段贸易协议, he's in the final phase of treatment处在最后一个疗

aspect: may stress the point of view of an observer and its limitation of what is seen or considered: an article that considers the financial ~s of divorce.    point of view观察点,也就是视角第二个意思是观点见解,如thanks for your point of view, John约翰,感谢你发表观点间接   aspect表示方面观点常用于论文

side: stresses one of several aspects from which something may be viewed: a broadcast that told only one ~ of the story. 一面之词 如always look at the bright side of life多看生活好的一面(方面)

facet: implies one of a multiplicity of sides that are similar to one another in some respect: explores the many ~s of life in New York City.     本义是宝石的一个小平面a small, flat surface on a jewel,常形容生活、文化中相似但不完全相同的方面,又如the different facets of our culture我们文化的不同方面(多姿多彩)

angle: suggests an aspect seen from a very restricted or specific point of view: find a fresh ~ for covering the political convention.   如they considered the question from a different angle从另一角度考虑这个问题,she took several pictures from different angles她从不同角度拍了几张照片

phase阶段相位: 仅表示外观变化了,但不表示是否有人在看,aspect方面: 强调从某视角(观点)所看到的,因此有局限性,side方面: 强调是几个方面中的一个,facet方面: 指众多方面中的一个,有相似之处,angle视角: 表示非常局限特定

记忆方法: 1)首字母PASFA组成AS AFP作为法新社(Agence France-Presse)<==方面            


          3)方面的意思是观看视角mean one of the possible ways of viewing or being presented to view.首字母PASFA组成AS AFP作为法新社(Agence France-Presse)<==方面